Europe Collection
How can Europe help make Danes’ lives more meaningful? Radikale Venstre is testing deliberative democracy as a new method for developing their European policy initiatives with the help of ordinary citizens. Both those who are pro-EU, those who are Eurosceptic and those who don’t yet have an opinion on the EU.
How do Danes feel about the EU and Denmark’s ties to the EU? By establishing Europa Samling as a 3-year deliberative process, Radikale Venstre is testing a new method for policy development based on the wishes and perspectives of ordinary citizens.
We Do Democracy has been the third party facilitators and project manager for the first phase of Europa Gathering. In the first phase of the European Parliamentary Assembly, the focus was on exploring Danes’ ambivalent and contradictory attitudes towards the EU, and thus learning more about the political areas in which divisions and unities seem to reside. We Do Democracy has coordinated the work of the participants in developing recommendations for the future of European policy. The recommendations will form a common foundation for both Radikale Venstres European policy efforts and the European Parliament’s further work over the next two years.
- The project gave Radikale Venstre new knowledge and insight into Danes’ concerns, hopes and perspectives on the EU, Europe and Denmark’s connection to European cooperation.
Read the final recommendations from the citizens’ assembly here.