Ruds Vedby Citizen Panel
In the spring of 2024, the Culture and Leisure Committee in Sorø Municipality took the initiative to gather 24 citizens for the Ruds Vedby Citizen Panel. Here, a representative group will gather to give their recommendations on what the future cultural and leisure life should look like in Ruds Vedby. The citizens’ recommendations will be included in the Culture and Leisure Committee’s further work to strengthen village life in Ruds Vedby. Both to ensure better solutions and use of resources – and to ensure long-term sustainability and co-ownership.
The citizen panel has been tasked with answering the following core question: “What does a good cultural and leisure life look like in the future Ruds Vedby?”. Over three evening meetings, the citizens have worked together to develop recommendations that answer the core task and handed them over to the Culture and Leisure Committee in Sorø Municipality, which will consider the recommendations over the next year.
We Do Democracy is behind the design and facilitation of the citizen panel. The Ruds Vedby Citizen Panel is organized as a deliberative process where members are free to delve deeply into the given challenge, can obtain expert knowledge for the task at hand, and are supported by We Do Democracy as an independent third-party secretariat. This includes a clear mandate around the format that obliges the client to respond to̊ citizen panel recommendations.
The recommendation report from the Ruds Vedby Citizen Panel can be found here.