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Seminar on deliberative democracy in Denmark – in collaboration with TrygFonden (oversubscribed)

11. December 2023 kl. 12:30 - 16:30

Seminar on deliberative democracy in Denmark – in collaboration with TrygFonden (oversubscribed)

You are invited to a seminar where experts, practitioners and public organizations will gather Danish and international experiences with citizen gatherings and citizen things – and together focus on the future potential. As a society, we face increasing challenges and difficult priorities that call for citizen engagement in collective decision-making and active participation in the solutions. Pessimism, polarization and distrust are some of the deep democratic challenges we face. Locally, nationally and internationally, the deliberative method is used as the key to activating collective knowledge, rebuilding trust and involving citizens in difficult decisions. In Denmark, we had the first citizen assembly just 5 years ago and since then 15 citizen assemblies at municipal and regional level have been implemented in accordance with the OECD principles. At the same time, Copenhagen has just hosted Democracy R&D’s annual conference with contributions from the world’s leading experts. At the seminar, we bring some of the many experiences, voices and knowledge into play for the benefit of the Danish players.

Join us in picking up and looking forward

At the seminar, we will focus on the deliberative experiences – what challenges has the method addressed in Denmark, what is the next deliberative wave in Denmark and what can the many international experiences contribute?

Program points for the seminar:
  • Where do we stand with citizen gatherings and citizen things as a method in Denmark – overview and research
  • How to implement and ensure a stratified draw and broad representation
  • Potentials and needs – from citizens, politicians, civil servants who have conducted citizen gatherings
  • International experiences and highlights from the Democracy R&D annual meeting in Copenhagen
  • Dialogue on next steps in Denmark – and the Nordics

Find the invitation here.

Watch the mood video from the Democracy R&D conference here:


Monday d. December 11, 2023, 13:00-16:30


Democracy Garage, Rentemestervej 57, 2400 Copenhagen NV


The seminar is oversubscribed – all seats are taken! However, you are welcome to join the waiting list by using the registration box below. We will notify you as soon as additional seats become available.

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11. December 2023
12:30 - 16:30